BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv6.8.10//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:CLASS SCHEDULE X-WR-CALDESC:Network Expert Inc. REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20211204T100000Z DTEND:20211205T180000Z DTSTAMP:20201031T155600Z CREATED:20201031 LAST-MODIFIED:20210927 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:PCEP | CERTIFIED ENTRY-LEVEL PYTHON PROGRAMMER CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION:Why you should learn Python in 2020\nPython is the No.1 fastest-growing major programming language with 151% year-over-year growth, and this trend will doubtlessly continue in the next coming decade. Due to its swiss army knife-like-multipurpose nature you can do many things after learning Python. Python developers are one of the highest-paid developers, particularly in Data Science, Machine learning, and web development. On average, you can earn ranging from 70,000 USD to 150,000 USD depending upon your experience, location, and domain. Moreover, industry leaders like YouTube, Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, NASA, and Netflix are make extensive use of this language.\nWho should take this course:\nWhether you are an absolute beginner, a student or a working professional with experience in other programming languages, this bootcamp is for you. Our 2 days, in-class instructor led bootcamp will cover the complete syllabus as prescribed by the Python Institute along with preparing you for the Certification Exam.\nTopics Covered:\nExam block #1: Basic Concepts (17%)\n\nInterpreter vs compiler, keywords, indentation, language different elements lexis, semantic and syntax\nLiterals: Boolean, integer, floating-point numbers, scientific notation, strings\nInput, output function\nSingle line vs multiline comments\nOperators (arithmetic, string)\nAssignment and Shortcuts operator\n\nExam block #2: Data Types, Evaluations, and Basic I/O Operations (20%)\n\nOperators: unary and binary, priorities and binding, bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>\nBoolean operators: not and or, Boolean expressions\nComparison operators ( == != > >= < <= ), building complex Boolean expressions\nAccuracy of floating-point numbers\nBasic input and output operations using the input(), print(), int(), float(), str(), len() functions and formatting print() output with end= and sep= arguments\nType casting\nBasic calculations\nSimple strings: constructing, assigning, indexing, immutability\n\nExam block #3: Flow Control – loops and conditional blocks (20%)\n\nConditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else\nMultiple conditional statements\nThe pass instruction\nSimple Loops: while, for, range(), in\nIterating through sequences\nExpanding loops: while-else, for-else\nNested loops and conditional statements\nControlling loop execution: break, continue\n\nExam block #4: Data Collections – Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries (23%)\n\nSimple lists: constructing vectors, indexing and slicing, the len() function\nlists in detail: indexing, slicing, basic methods (append(), insert(), index()) and functions (len(), sorted(), etc.), del instruction, iterating lists with the for loop, initializing, in and not in operators, list comprehension, copying and cloning\n\n\nLists in lists: matrices and cubes\nTuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability\nTuples vs. lists: similarities and differences, lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists\nDictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys, iterating through dictionaries as well as their keys and values, checking key existence, keys(), items() and values() methods\nStrings in detail: escaping using the \ character, quotes and apostrophes inside strings, multiline strings, basic string functions.\n\nExam block #5: Functions (20%)\n\nDefining and invoking your own functions and generators\nreturn and yield keywords, returning results, None keyword\nHow recursion works\nDifference between parameters and arguments,\nPositional keyword and mixed argument passing, default parameter values\nConverting generator objects into lists using the list() function\nName scopes, name hiding (shadowing), the global keyword\n\nWhat you will get in our Bootcamp:\n\n2 full days in class training by certified instructor\nPrinted study material\nPrinted lab manual\nAccess to online mock exam\nSnacks available all day\nBreakfast and Lunch of your choice will be provided on both days\nExam voucher included\nTake Certification Exam whenever you want\nClass Completion Certificate\n\n URL: ORGANIZER;CN=Network Expert CATEGORIES:Other Training Bootcamps LOCATION:5170 Dixie Road, Mississauga, L4W 1E3 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR